Travel Tips
Getting There
NB: Conference guests staying at the Goodland Hotel should consult the schedule page for a bus service to campus.
From and To the Airport
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX):
The Santa Barbara Airbus operates coach shuttle service to and from LAX, with stops in Carpinteria, Santa Barbara, and Goleta. There are eight shuttles a day to and from LAX.
Shuttles from LAX run from 9am to 10pm and take ~2.5 hours to reach Goleta. Shuttles from Goleta run from 3:30am to 6pm and take 2.5-3 hours to reach LAX.
Fares: Prepaid – 1 Way $49 / Round Trip $94. Regular – 1 Way $55 / Round Trip $100
Santa Barbara Airbus website: https://www.sbairbus.com/page/display/laxshuttle
Santa Barbara Municipal Airport (SBA):
Santa Barbara boasts its own municipal airport which is geographically adjacent to the UCSB campus and a few minutes away from downtown Goleta. The fastest way to get from this airport to any location is via public bus, taxi, or online ride-sharing (for which cf. below).
Santa Barbara Municipal Airport (SBA) offers daily flights to/from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Phoenix, Denver, Portland, Seattle, and Dallas. It is currently served by United, American, and Alaska Airlines.
Built in a faux-Spanish style, SBA is a charming and manageable airport. Check-in and security lines are practically nonexistent. It is also conveniently located for UCSB, only ~2 mi. from campus. Depending on one’s place of origin, flights to SBA may be quite affordable or prohibitively expensive. If flying into SBA is too expensive, look into either LAX (~105 mi.) or Bob Hope Airport in Burbank (~100 mi.), which are the next closest commercial airports. However, keep in mind that what you might save in airfare by flying into LAX/Burbank you might spend again in time, trouble, and added cost of travel to the Santa Barbara area.
Santa Barbara Airport website: https://www.santabarbaraca.gov/gov/depts/flysba/default.asp
Buses in Santa Barbara are operated by the Metro Transit District (MTD) and run throughout the day between Downtown SB, UCSB, and Goleta. General information, bus schedules, route maps, and a trip planner are available at the MTD website: http://www.sbmtd.gov.
There is also a handy SB MTD mobile app available for Mac iOS and Android.
The best routes to take from downtown Santa Barbara are the 24x and the 11. These run every fifteen minutes or so to and from UCSB.
There are more than two-dozen taxi companies in town. Most of these can be found through a Google search, but three notable companies are:
Gold Cab Taxi: 805-685-9797
Rose Raxi: 805-564-2600
Yellow Cab Taxi: 805-965-5111 <OR> 800-549-TAXI
Uber & Lyft
The Santa Barbara area is well served by Uber and Lyft. Prices are higher than using the bus but similar to or slightly less than most taxi services.
UCSB Campus Parking
Certain lots allow visitor parking at all times, while others allow visitor parking only after 5pm and on weekends. Several lots are reserved for specific permit types and allow no visitor parking at any time. Please refer to the lot entrance sign to confirm that visitor parking is allowed. All campus parking lots require the purchase of short-term permits. These are available from kiosks located at various points around each lot. Please do not park in spaces marked Faculty/Staff, Coastal Access, for “H” permits, or marked with any other restriction.
The parking lots most conveniently located for PCCBS are #22, 23, 27, 29. Note that lot 29 is only open to visitors on weekends. Refer to the overview map for lot locations.
UCSB Parking website: http://www.tps.ucsb.edu/visitor-parking-ucsb
Parking Rates (M–F 7:30am–5pm):
20 minutes – $1
40 minutes – $2
1 hour – $3
2 hours – $5
3 hours – $7
All Day – $8 (valid from time of purchase to 7:30am the next morning)
Saturday & Sunday – $4
Overnight (5pm-7:30am) – $4